1. According to the films you have to delete them after 24hours from your pc unless you have the original copy of that film.
  2. (Persa i perket filmave ju duheni ti fshini ato mbas 24 oreve nga kompjuteri juaj vetem nese ju keni kopjen originale te saj)
  3. All Programs & tutorials are educational purpose only,i'm not responsible for the illegal use of any programs in this website!
  4. (Te gjithe programet jane vetem me qellim per te mesuar,nuk mbajme pergjegjesi per ndonje perdorim te programeve apo tutorialeve ne menyre te jashteligjshme)
  5. Official language is English and Albanian.
  6. (Gjuha zyrtare eshte Anglishtja dhe Shqipja).
  7. Contact us: Email ---------------------->                   <----------------------
Mund te na kontaktoni edhe per riparime,formatime,instalime,hackime te PC,PSP.Mobile Phones ect...  ect...

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